Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy 33rd Birthday to my Brother..

You've come a long way..We're so proud of you coming back to the Church (he was away from the Church for almost 20yrs), and raising your daughter on your own..

Keep up the good work..May God Bless you with many more birthdays, and my St. Michael protect you as we go through the trials this week..

Friday, April 24, 2009

It's Back..Random Photo Friday..

This photo was taken Feb. 11, 2005 @ my mom's birthday party..
I have more photos to post later on..I've been pretty busy this week..We only have 4 more weeks of school left..I can't believe the school year has gone by so fast..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 86th Birthday Mother Angelica

You have helped so many people (my family included)..You're still an inspiration to the world..We love you & miss seeing you on T.V. We hope you have many more birthdays to come..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

He Has Risen

Here's hoping you all had a Blessed, Joyous Easter Sunday!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Don't Forget..The Divine Mercy Novena

I just wanted to remind you all that the Divine Mercy Novena started yesterday (Good Friday)..Divine Mercy Sunday is a week from tomorrow..

I absolutely LOVE this Chaplet & Novena..If you don't know about the Chaplet & Novena you can read more about it here..

Well I hope you all have a Blessed & Wonderful Easter..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

In Rememberence of 3 Fallen Officers

Please remember these HEROS & their families in your thoughts and prayers..They paid the ultimate sacrifice..
You can go to this website to send condolences, or donate to the fund set up for the families..
It's going to be a very sad few days, so in honor of these fine men & Good Friday I'm not going to post for a few days until after Easter..
I hope you all have a Blessed Easter..

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Please, Please Pray

It's a sad Palm Sunday here in Pittsburgh..A sad weekend for the city I live in and love..Yesterday we lost 3 of Pittsburgh's finest..In a hale of bullets these men made the ultimate sacrifice..

It's going to be a somber Holy Week here..Please pray for these police officers, their families, and their brothers & sisters in Blue (or here in Pittsburgh Black & Gold)..

Our nice quiet city has been shocked into reality..No one (or city) is safe from violence..

St. Michael the Archangel..Pray for Us..

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Picture Sharing

Here are some pictures I'm sharing, since I forgot Random Photo Friday..

Here's a picture of Jen on her 18th Birthday..

The girls with my niece Arabella

Our Stations of the Cross project..We got the idea from this website..

My Dad with most of the grandkids (we're missing 2)..

I have more pictures that I have to download so I'll be sharing them now and again..

In Rememberence

Oh Papa..It seems like only yesterday that you were elected Pope..And now here we are 4 yrs. after your triumphant return to your heavenly reward..We still miss you..Intercede for us now, and at the hour of our death..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back From Spring Break

Well we're back to school at St. Pete's..If you read my previous posts you'll know why..We took 2 weeks off, and it was a needed break..

Now we're getting back into the swing of things..And preparing for Palm Sunday, and Holy Week..

I know I forgot to post a picture for Random Photo Friday..I will post one later..We really haven't been doing to much lately..

Here is a picture of the beautiful city of Pittsburgh that Bob took with the camera..I'll never get tired of this scene..Look for more posts soon..