This is my personal review of a new book that I had a chance to read..The title of the book is called "
My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories" by Heidi Hess Saxton..
I met Ms. Saxton through the internet, and I had mentioned that I love to review books, especially Catholic books..So she (Ms. Saxton) asked if I wanted to review "My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories"..I jumped at the offer..A few days later I received the book..When I opened the envelope the first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful cover of the book..It shows Jesus taking a basket of fish from a little child while the others wait in the back round..
The book starts out with a typed letter from Blessed Mother Teresa..And it has and introduction on how to read the book which explains everything so well..I was very impressed with the introduction..
The book begins with how God created the world, and goes on from there until the book of Revelation..There are 4 main points to the stories..
1. Going Deeper ~ Which includes the Read It & Do It sections..These are little things to read from the CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church) & projects to do with family..
2. Special Words ~ This teaches the reader(s) words from the stories that some may not understand (like Hebrew etc..)
3. Did You Know? ~ Tells some interesting facts to the reader(s)..
4. The Quote Of The Day ~ These are quotes from famous people (religious & not religious)
And Ms. Saxton also gives a website for more resources (see below)..These things were beautifully explained..And I actually enjoyed reading the book of Revelation!! Which is sometimes scary for younger readers..
I think that all of the bible stories that Ms. Saxton picked for the book were very well chosen..I enjoyed all of the stories, and learned a few new things in the process..I know this book is for children ages 7-10, but anyone can read it in my opinion..I actually understood the stories better than reading my own Bible..
The beginning of each story starts with a quick story of what is coming up..This is also very informative..There are also prayers included at the end of the story..And through out the book..
And I can't forget the illustrations..Natalie Carabetta has done a superb job with the illustrations..They are indescribable!!
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read about the Bible..It's easy to understand, well planned out & beautifully illustrated..It's well worth it!!
You can also check out Ms. Saxton at