Thursday, May 20, 2010


Well she finally did it!! Jenna graduated!! We're so proud of her!! Here are some pictures of the ceremony @ St. Vincent's Bascilica in Latrobe!!

Before the ceremony..

Jenna & her friend Rebbeca before the ceremony..

Beautiful statue of Our Lady at the back of the church..

Group photo after the ceremony..

Family photo after the ceremony..
It was such a nice ceremony..The homily was fantastic, the singer was AMAZING, and the whole family got to go up & give Jenna her diploma..We were so impressed!!
More pictures to come..We had 3 or 4 people taking pictures, so I have to get them downloaded!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Sweetest Thing, This Side Of Heaven...

*My nephew Luke ~ 2 months old*

Isn't he the cutest little boy you've ever seen??? But that's just this aunt's opinion!!

Update ~ Part I (School)

Hmmm..I promised myself awhile ago I would keep up with the blog..I've let myself down yet again!! Well "Better late then never" I always say..So here's an update on what's being going on with our homeschool..

The kids grades have been good..Nothing lower than a "C" (which is what Trevor got in Religion)..We've been trying really hard to get our 180 days in..We'll probably wind up going into June but that's ok..

Jenna will be graduating on May 18th!! I can't believe it!! This year has gone by so fast..She'll be graduating with some other homeschooling students in a group we kind of belong to..We normally don't get to the meetings, but they have graciously invited Jenna to be part of the ceremony..Now it's a mad dash to get things ready..We won't be having her graduation party until late June..Her cap & gown are in, and we just need to get her an outfit to wear..Her boyfriend Chris will be coming from Michigan to see her graduate..My mother-in-law & my parents will also be attending..

We haven't been on to many field trips this year..We went to the museum, and to the March for Life but that's about it..This coming school year we're going to do more field trips..I'm thinking about where we're going to go already..I have a few ideas but nothing concrete yet..

I've also decided that we're going to learn more about our Founding Fathers & American History..I attribute this idea to Glenn Beck!! Thanks Glenn!!

And we've made up our mind that we're definitely going with Seton Home Study this coming school year..Ari & Trev aren't to happy, but we've been slacking the last few years and I think this will keep us on task (well mostly it'll keep Mom on task!)..Some people think that Seton's too dry or too picky but with the way Ari & Trev are lately they need to be more accountable for things..I mean being done with school work in less than an hour is ridiculous to me!! Also we've got to clamp down and do more religious things..Praying the Rosary, maybe going to daily Mass 1 or 2 days a week is not out of the question..But, I have the whole summer to come up with something..

Jenna will be attending CCAC (Community College of Allegheny County) next Spring instead of this Fall..I don't think she's quite ready for college classes just yet..Even though she's graduating we're still going to work with her on somethings..She wants to go for Early Childhood Education, which I think she's well suited for..She has a good repour with children..

The only thing we're having a hard time with as far as lessons go is Pre-Algebra & Algebra..I have been getting worksheets off of the internet from here.. And it's been going ok, but I'm not very good at Math stuff (I graduated with a "D" in Pre-Algebra)..But as long as Jenna has some Algebra she's fine as far as transcripts go..

As for Social Studies..Well I have a few different things that I have them do..Jenna is doing American Govt..Ari & Trev are doing a mish-mash of things..I have them read papers I print off the internet or I have printed tests for them to do..Right now we're learning about World War I..Next year Seton will have tests they can do on their website which I really like (that way I don't have to worry about doing it..)

Science..Ari & Trev are using workbooks

Religion..I just have them reading books..Jenna reads "My Catholic Faith", Ariana reads Seton's 7th grade Religion, & Trevor is doing "The Baltimore Catechism # 2"..

Trevor took his CAT test this past week..I hope he does ok..He didn't seem to have any trouble when my mom gave him the test..I have to include that in his portfolio for evaluation..

We're on Wk. 31 this week..Wow!! Only 5 more weeks to go..I just remember getting excited about starting the year, and it's almost done..It's going to be weird this coming year with only 2 kids doing school work..But like the seasons, so does life..This is just another chapter in my life..I just am not very good with change..

Well that's it for now..As soon as I get pictures from Jen's graduation I'll post them..And I will be typing up Part II of my update..This one will be about what's been going on with the family lately..