Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

Well 2009 is here..How was your New Years? Ours was very quiet..Which we enjoy..I'm not a big fan of New Years..We don't go out & celebrate..We like to be at home with the kids, and just stay together as a family..

The Christmas holiday was also quiet..We celebrated Ari's b-day on Christmas Eve (as usual)..We had Christmas Eve/Day here at our home..So most of my family was here..Bob & I went to Christmas Eve mass, which was very peaceful (and the choir was astounding!!)..We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary at home..We ordered Chinese food..Then I got sick..I was sick for 2-3 days..I don't know if it was a bug or food poisoning..But I made it to Mass, and it was on the Feast of the Holy Family..How appropriate for us..Then like I mentioned New Years came and went..Jan.1st we celebrated the Feast of Mary, Holy Mother of God..It was a wonderful Advent/Christmas season here at S.P.C.H.

Now it's back to school..Grades were given out for the 2nd Qtr..Jen had a 3.1, Ari had a 3.2, and Trevor had a 3.4..The girls really had trouble with Math this quarter..They both got a D in it..So I'm going to get a tutor for them..And for the last two quarters we're doing Art & Music..

Jan.22 we're making our 1st trek to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life..There will only be 4 of us going (Ari isn't going), but we're very excited..We are a very "Pro-Life" family..Bob even took the week off from work just so we knew we could go down..

Anyway that's about it for now..I have some photos to post, but I'll post them later on..I hope you all had/have a very Blessed, Peaceful, Healthy 2009..

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