Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas..A Little Late

Here's wishing you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Let's remember the "Reason for the Season"!!

(Our Lady of the Southern Cross ~ Help for Christians)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What We've Been Up To Lately..

Here at SPCH we've been quite the busy family (which is unusual for us)..So here is a round up of what we've been up to..

First off we celebrated my birthday on Nov. 15th..I'm posting a very rare picture of me w/my sweety at a resturant we went to for my birthday..
It's alittle blurry because it was taken on my camera phone..

Next we went to Ohio for Thanksgiving & on the way we stopped at this beautiful little chapel in Canfield..We lit some candles and prayed..

We had a really quiet, peaceful, Thanksgiving with Bob's family..Now we're just hanging out at home & preparing for Christmas..We have our Advent tree up..We're going to Confession on Dec. 16th as a family..
We're coming up on the end of the 2nd quarter here, and then Christmas break..The kids have been doing ok with the work..We just really need the vacation..We'll I'll update later on in the week..

Thursday, November 13, 2008

So Long Since My Last Post

I can't believe it's been this long..Wow!! So much has gone on..My sister got married, pre-election, the election, and now my birthday is coming up!! It's been a busy time here..

I wanted to write down what the kids are doing.. I made a schedule for them, but I have tweaked it since we started school..This is basically how our day is now..

1st period ~ Religion
2nd period ~ History
3rd period ~ Grammar
4th period ~ Math
5th period ~ Science
6th period ~ Reading/Spanish (T & Th)
7th period ~ Spelling/Vocabulary
8th period ~ Phys. Ed/Home Ec. (Jen & Ari)

Now you notice there's no Art or Music classes..Well after our Christmas break, we'll do those classes..This year I'm trying to go as easy as possible so that the kids don't get bored or won't want to do their work..They've been good so far..We're on track (on Week 13)..After the 2nd quarter ends it'll be our Christmas break and I think it will be better this time since we're on time..

I've switched books already too..With the girls I've switched their Math & Science..We went back to Saxon math after a few weeks of starting school..And their Science wasn't helping them at all, so we are using Spectrum Science now..The girls like it..And I'm stuck trying to figure what to do about Jen's Grammar class..She was using Voyages in English 8, but it's not doing anything for her, so I'm trying to figure out something else for her..

Trevor has been doing well with the CHC curriculum..Well he's using most of it..

We have gone back to basics with Religion..We're using the Baltimore Catechism Books..#1 for Trev & Ari, and #3 for Jenna..They're learning alot from these..

All 3 of them are doing Spanish this year..I figure if Jen has to do it, then the other 2 could start early..

We haven't really gone on any field trips yet, but I'm hoping to soon..And for Advent I went early and got purple lights, and purple bulbs for our Advent tree..I will post pictures when I put it up..

It's been 4 yrs since we've started homeschooling..Time flies by..Jen will be graduating in 2010..It's getting close..

Well that's all I can think of right now..Oh, I will be starting a new blog soon..It's mostly going to have to do with our daily family life..Not school..This blog will primarily for school..The new one will be my rants, raves, etc..Look for the link soon on here..

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Welcome To The New & Improved S.P.C.H. Blog!!

This is my first post on my new blog..I figured out how to do a few new things to it..It's going to take alittle while before it's all complete..

I deleted my other blog to take time out to spend with my family, and review my life in general..Things are going well..I will write more about this later..

We started back to school Aug. 18th..We're now in Wk. 5 almost Wk. 6..The kids have been doing well..I will post what books, etc. they are doing another time..

We had a field trip of sorts Labor Day weekend..We were in Ohio and went to the Grotto at Rhoda Wise's house..If you have read Mother Angelica's biography you probably know that name, but for those of you who don't..She is the woman who helped Mother when she had her stomach problems, and was visited by Jesus & St. Therese..She also had the stigmata..You can read more about her We didn't get to go into the actual house, because it was closed due to the holiday..We had a very serene, peaceful time there.. The PCPA's run the grotto & own the house now..Here is a picture I'm sharing with you of the grotto w/ my kids in front of it..

Here is a picture of the inside of the grotto
If you're near Canton, OH anytime I'd recommed going to this beautiful, peaceful grotto..
That's all for now..I will blog more later on..