Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Review of..2011 Catholic Almanac

Ok everyone so I am back to reviewing books again..And I read a very informative book for anybody..It's by Our Sunday Visitor and it's called 2011 Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Almanac.

When I first received this book I thought to myself "What did I get myself into?" The book is huge!! It's over 600 pages long! But as I started to delve into it, I couldn't believe what a treasure I stumbled upon. This book is wonderful. It's a great resource. I can't go into great detail about it, but I will focus on a few things.

The book is broken into 4 parts. Part One ~ News and Events, Part Two ~ The Teachings of the Catholic Church, Part Three ~ The Church Universal & Part Four ~ The Life of the Church in the World. I will go into some of these parts now.

Part One: In this part the Year in Review talks about what happened between the dates of 9/09-8/10. Then talks about the News in Depth (i.e. Papal Travels, Vatican Documents & Announcements, Special Reports, Life Issues and lastly the USCCB)

Part Two: This part discusses the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, The Church Calendar, Movable Feasts, Liturgical Life of the Church, The Sacraments of the Church, & Communion of Saints (i.e. Patron Saints, Intercessors & the people who were Canonized or Beatified in 09/10)

Part Three: Deals with Dates & Events in Church History, The Papacy and the Holy See, Roman Curia, Hierarchy of the Catholic Church, The Universal Church, Eastern Catholic Churches, The Church in the U.S., The U.S. Hierarchy, Biographies of American Bishops, the USCCB, Cultural Diversity in the Church, Statistics of the Church in the U.S., The Church in Canada, & finally ends with the Church in Mexico.

Part Four: In Part Four you can read about Consecrated Life, Apostalates & Ministries, Catholic Social Services, Education, Catholic Communications, Ecumenism, Inter religious Dialogue, Separated Eastern Churches, Reformation Churches, & Inter religious Dialogue.

There is also a Church Calendar, Glossary & Index for you to review things that you may have missed.The sections are broken into little paragraphs.There are so many that I can not write about all of them but if you look in the parts you can clearly see what they are talking about.

I HIGHLY recommend this book for Catholic Homeschoolers. It has been a great resource for my children to look up things we normally would have to look up on the Internet or some other source. But this book is great for anyone who just wants to learn more about the Faith & what's going on with it. This is a book (or resource) that every Catholic home should have in it. Kudos to Our Sunday Visitor for publishing these books every year.

As always this review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from the Catholic Company. Visit the Catholic Company to find more information on 2011 Catholic Almanac. They also are a great source for all kinds of religious gifts, books, etc.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

So Much Going On..

That I haven't been able to update when I want to..Here are some things that have been going on..

Celebrated my 39th birthday..I am SO SO BLESSED!! I have wonderful family & amazing new (from Facebook) + old friends (some I've reconnected with over the year)..The Lord has been so good to our family..Even though things have been tough we're still in our home, we have food to eat and more importantly we're HAPPY, HEALTHY & TOGETHER!! So how could I complain about it!!

My parents just celebrated 40yrs of marriage together!! They have had their ups & downs *believe me* but they have a happy, holy marriage..I attribute them praying the Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet every night together as their secret..

Thanksgiving was very quiet..Just the 5 of us..We enjoyed ourselves and talked about what we all were thankful for..

Bob's grandfather has been sick..He needs prayers..Also my aunt has been very sick too..They are both the same age 88yrs old..We keep them in our Rosary intentions..Plus there have been other friends, relatives that are ill who need lifted up in prayer..So if you have a spare moment if you could say a quick Hail Mary or Our Father we'd appreciate it..

Bob is still off of work..But we're going to enjoy our time as a family together for this Advent/Christmas..That's what it's all about..And welcoming "The babe in the manger"..

I can't express to all of you the joy in my heart I feel..It seems like when the world or life is at it's worst is when Our Lord is at HIS BEST!! I love my husband, children, family, & friends!!! I am so lucky to be able to be home with my kids..I am fortunate to be able to homeschool them..I am very lucky to have the best, most loving husband in the world..He does his best to provide for us and to keep me home & homeschooling..I would be so LOST without him..Besides God he's my ROCK!!

When Bob & I are out or away I always miss my "little piece of heaven"..My wish for all of you this Advent/Christmas season is that you all feel the same way!! Love the Lord, Love Life. & Love Each Other!!

More later..I promise!! :) *But who knows*

Thursday, November 11, 2010

My Poor Neglected Blog

Yes..Once again I have neglected my blog..But I *promise* that I will start getting back to it..Here are a few things that have happened while I've been gone..

1.) Kids started back to school..We've been using Seton and it's been slow but sure..We're trying to get into a groove. We're on week 9 and are taking 1st quarter tests..

2.) I have a new hobby..Photography..Bob got me a Nikon D3000 for my birthday, Christmas & 15th Anniversary present..I LOVE it..I will be posting pictures on here..

3.) My 39th birthday is coming up..I feel very blessed that God has given me everything I want..My faith, my husband, my kids, my family & friends!! I couldn't ask for anything more..

I will be doing more review too..Plus I will update you on our school day, family stuff, religious items & whatever else I have to get off my chest..

I leave you with a few pictures I've taken with my new camera..

The city I love..

Sun peeking out from Church..
I'll post more pictures..There is so much that has been going on..Please bare with me once again!! God Bless!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Coming To A Close..

I have been so busy this past summer..Jenna's graduation, my nephew's graduation, etc..I am now getting some time to post..

One of the really neat things that I got to do this summer is to be on the radio! Well actually internet radio or a blog cast (I guess you would call it)..I was on The Catholic Revolver with Jerry Weber.. It was a great experience..I got to talk about Catholic Homeschooling & our wonderful Catholic religion..At first I was really nervous, so I prayed to the Holy Spirit & it seems like he just took over..I couldn't believe the things I was saying! And Jerry is so nice and made me feel comfortable too..My interview should be still archived there..If you get a chance check it out and tell me what you think..

Also Bob & I took the plunge and enrolled Ari & Trev into Seton this year..We are so happy that we did..I think our school year will be much better..Ari & Trev aren't to thrilled with the prospect of more work, but OH WELL..In my opinion Seton Home Study has a wonderful curriculum, and is what Bob and I are looking for..Plus they have lesson plans, tests online, etc.. So we shall see..Our 6th year of homeschooling starts Aug. 30th..I can't wait to start!! Taking the summer off is great, but we really need to get back to learning..

I purchased a few books this summer also..Most are history related..I haven't started reading them yet..I'm still in the process of reading my book that I have to review for the Catholic Company..

Hmmm..what else..There has been alot going on and I can't think of what else to write..So I will end this post now, and hopefully (*cross your fingers*) I will update in a few days..Hope you all are having a wonderful summer..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our Summer So Far...

On our way to Ohio for our nephew's graduation party..Trevor fell asleep..

The kids in the swimming pool at the motel we stayed at..They loved it!!

Our nephew's graduation party..

We have been very busy lately..With my nephew's graduation party, Our Father's Day baseball game (which I got sun poisoning from), & then getting ready for Jenna's graduation party..I will post more pictures later..Plus give you all an update on what's coming up for St. Peter's!! We're moving into very exciting times here...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Review Of..

Beloved and Blessed Biblical Wisdom For Family Life~ By Kimberly Hahn

Kimberly Hahn ranks up there with Donna Marie Cooper O'Boyle & Scott Hahn books I love to read..So I was excited to see her newest book on the list of books to review..

This book is part of a series of books Mrs. Hahn has written..I have all of the other books plus the video series..The whole series focuses on Proverbs 31..About a queen mother helping her son King Lemuel select a godly woman to marry..

The book is mainly about family life and how to live a godly life as a wife & mother..There are six parts of the book with sixteen chapters..Some of the chapters include

  • Part 1 is titled "The Heart of Her Husband Trusts in Her"..These chapters deal with Intimacy Issues..

  • Part 2 is titled "Her Children Rise Up and Call Her Blessed"..These chapters talk about how children are a blessing from God, the mission of responsible parenthood, contraception, large families, & suffering (i.e. misscarriage, not being able to have children)..

  • Part 3 is titled "She Makes Linen Garments and Sells Them"..These chapters deal with financial issues, how to stay at home without breaking the bank, and how Our Blessed Mother Mary is the TRUE model for all mothers..

  • Part 4 is titled "Her Husband Is Known in the Gates"..These chapters deal with how we are privileged to be parents, disciplining with S.O.F.T. hearts, discipline itself, and how fathers are involved in children's lives..

  • Part 5 is titled "She Opens Her Mouth With Wisdom"..These chapters mostly deal with teaching our children the faith, how to defend the faith, how to concecrate our homes, & how our home represents our faith..

  • Part 6 is titled "The Teaching of Kindness Is on Her Tounge"..This is one of my favorite chapters because it deals with homeschooling, socializing our children, teaching practical life skills (i.e. money management, budgeting, manners), limiting television & computer time, making the kids get out & play..Mrs. Hahn also discusses in this part about how sometimes we feel guilty about our parenting skills, and how to lean on Our Lord in these times..

There are also Appendixes that are helpful..There is one on family budget items, kids budgets, stewardship, decorating & home improvements..

This book is AWESOME.. I felt very connected to Mrs. Hahn because most of the things she talks about are things that I go thru in every day life..She really captures the essence of motherhood & being a good wife..

I recommend this book to all mothers, wives, & even husbands (if they are willing to read it)..You won't be disappointed..

As always this review was written as part of the Catholic books review program from the CatholicCompany. Visit their website to find out more about this book Beloved and Blessed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Well she finally did it!! Jenna graduated!! We're so proud of her!! Here are some pictures of the ceremony @ St. Vincent's Bascilica in Latrobe!!

Before the ceremony..

Jenna & her friend Rebbeca before the ceremony..

Beautiful statue of Our Lady at the back of the church..

Group photo after the ceremony..

Family photo after the ceremony..
It was such a nice ceremony..The homily was fantastic, the singer was AMAZING, and the whole family got to go up & give Jenna her diploma..We were so impressed!!
More pictures to come..We had 3 or 4 people taking pictures, so I have to get them downloaded!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Sweetest Thing, This Side Of Heaven...

*My nephew Luke ~ 2 months old*

Isn't he the cutest little boy you've ever seen??? But that's just this aunt's opinion!!

Update ~ Part I (School)

Hmmm..I promised myself awhile ago I would keep up with the blog..I've let myself down yet again!! Well "Better late then never" I always say..So here's an update on what's being going on with our homeschool..

The kids grades have been good..Nothing lower than a "C" (which is what Trevor got in Religion)..We've been trying really hard to get our 180 days in..We'll probably wind up going into June but that's ok..

Jenna will be graduating on May 18th!! I can't believe it!! This year has gone by so fast..She'll be graduating with some other homeschooling students in a group we kind of belong to..We normally don't get to the meetings, but they have graciously invited Jenna to be part of the ceremony..Now it's a mad dash to get things ready..We won't be having her graduation party until late June..Her cap & gown are in, and we just need to get her an outfit to wear..Her boyfriend Chris will be coming from Michigan to see her graduate..My mother-in-law & my parents will also be attending..

We haven't been on to many field trips this year..We went to the museum, and to the March for Life but that's about it..This coming school year we're going to do more field trips..I'm thinking about where we're going to go already..I have a few ideas but nothing concrete yet..

I've also decided that we're going to learn more about our Founding Fathers & American History..I attribute this idea to Glenn Beck!! Thanks Glenn!!

And we've made up our mind that we're definitely going with Seton Home Study this coming school year..Ari & Trev aren't to happy, but we've been slacking the last few years and I think this will keep us on task (well mostly it'll keep Mom on task!)..Some people think that Seton's too dry or too picky but with the way Ari & Trev are lately they need to be more accountable for things..I mean being done with school work in less than an hour is ridiculous to me!! Also we've got to clamp down and do more religious things..Praying the Rosary, maybe going to daily Mass 1 or 2 days a week is not out of the question..But, I have the whole summer to come up with something..

Jenna will be attending CCAC (Community College of Allegheny County) next Spring instead of this Fall..I don't think she's quite ready for college classes just yet..Even though she's graduating we're still going to work with her on somethings..She wants to go for Early Childhood Education, which I think she's well suited for..She has a good repour with children..

The only thing we're having a hard time with as far as lessons go is Pre-Algebra & Algebra..I have been getting worksheets off of the internet from here.. And it's been going ok, but I'm not very good at Math stuff (I graduated with a "D" in Pre-Algebra)..But as long as Jenna has some Algebra she's fine as far as transcripts go..

As for Social Studies..Well I have a few different things that I have them do..Jenna is doing American Govt..Ari & Trev are doing a mish-mash of things..I have them read papers I print off the internet or I have printed tests for them to do..Right now we're learning about World War I..Next year Seton will have tests they can do on their website which I really like (that way I don't have to worry about doing it..)

Science..Ari & Trev are using workbooks

Religion..I just have them reading books..Jenna reads "My Catholic Faith", Ariana reads Seton's 7th grade Religion, & Trevor is doing "The Baltimore Catechism # 2"..

Trevor took his CAT test this past week..I hope he does ok..He didn't seem to have any trouble when my mom gave him the test..I have to include that in his portfolio for evaluation..

We're on Wk. 31 this week..Wow!! Only 5 more weeks to go..I just remember getting excited about starting the year, and it's almost done..It's going to be weird this coming year with only 2 kids doing school work..But like the seasons, so does life..This is just another chapter in my life..I just am not very good with change..

Well that's it for now..As soon as I get pictures from Jen's graduation I'll post them..And I will be typing up Part II of my update..This one will be about what's been going on with the family lately..

Monday, April 5, 2010

My Review of..

30-Minute Read ~ Stress-Proof Your Marriage by Cory & Heidi Busse

This book is a short read, but a very good one..The authors (who by the way are kind of like my husband & I) get to the heart of "stress-proofing" your marriage..

Mr. & Mrs. Busse start off by letting you know that great marriages are NOT always blissful..I can relate to this because when I got married I thought that marriage was supposed to be all "warm & fuzzy", like a fairytale..Boy was I wrong!! And in the book the authors point this out in good detail..They are not counselors or psychologists, just a married couple who's been through it..

There are 10 short chapters to the book..Starting with the chapter called "Talk" to the last chapter "Laugh"..Mr. & Mrs. Busse bring a good dose of humor, religion, and advice in these chapters..I don't want to go all through them or else I'd give most of the book away :)

What I enjoyed the most in this "little" book are the sayings by different people..They range from Pope John Paul II to George Orwell..At the beginning there are little bits of humor to start you off, and the chapters all end with a "Take Away" message..It's something you can take away & use if you choose..

I would recommend this 30 minute book if your marriage is stressed or not..It's very informative, and very helpful..I enjoyed it tremendously!!

As always..This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company .. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on "Stress-Proof Your Marriage."

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So Much Going On..

That I can't contain it in one post..So I will be breaking it into 2 or 3 posts..1 will be about homeschool..1 will be about family..& 1 will be about religion/religious happenings..

I am trying to compose all of them now, so the posts will be coming shortly..But until then here is one GREAT update..

My sister Alisha had her baby..She gave birth to a healthy, happy, BIG baby boy..

Luke Michael born: 2/15/10 @ 10:27pm 8lbs 10ozs. 19in long.. My sister was in labor for about 15 hrs..Pushed for at least 3hrs, and finally ended up having a c-section.. Here are a few pics of Luke..

Luke when he got home from the hospital..

Ariana feeding Luke..
Luke @ 3wks..He was staring out the window from his swing..
I have more pictures of Luke to post, but I'll wait until my family post..But isn't he a cutie!! So this is just a little teaser of what's to come..So much has happened, that I can't believe it.. Well, that's it for today..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An Amazing New Book..

This is my personal review of a new book that I had a chance to read..The title of the book is called "My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories" by Heidi Hess Saxton..

I met Ms. Saxton through the internet, and I had mentioned that I love to review books, especially Catholic books..So she (Ms. Saxton) asked if I wanted to review "My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories"..I jumped at the offer..A few days later I received the book..When I opened the envelope the first thing that caught my eye was the beautiful cover of the book..It shows Jesus taking a basket of fish from a little child while the others wait in the back round..

The book starts out with a typed letter from Blessed Mother Teresa..And it has and introduction on how to read the book which explains everything so well..I was very impressed with the introduction..

The book begins with how God created the world, and goes on from there until the book of Revelation..There are 4 main points to the stories..

1. Going Deeper ~ Which includes the Read It & Do It sections..These are little things to read from the CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church) & projects to do with family..

2. Special Words ~ This teaches the reader(s) words from the stories that some may not understand (like Hebrew etc..)

3. Did You Know? ~ Tells some interesting facts to the reader(s)..

4. The Quote Of The Day ~ These are quotes from famous people (religious & not religious)

And Ms. Saxton also gives a website for more resources (see below)..These things were beautifully explained..And I actually enjoyed reading the book of Revelation!! Which is sometimes scary for younger readers..

I think that all of the bible stories that Ms. Saxton picked for the book were very well chosen..I enjoyed all of the stories, and learned a few new things in the process..I know this book is for children ages 7-10, but anyone can read it in my opinion..I actually understood the stories better than reading my own Bible..

The beginning of each story starts with a quick story of what is coming up..This is also very informative..There are also prayers included at the end of the story..And through out the book..

And I can't forget the illustrations..Natalie Carabetta has done a superb job with the illustrations..They are indescribable!!

I would recommend this book to anyone who loves to read about the Bible..It's easy to understand, well planned out & beautifully illustrated..It's well worth it!!

You can also check out Ms. Saxton at http://extraordinarymomsnetwork.wordpress.com.

Friday, February 5, 2010

You Can Trust..

The furry rat in my last post (aka Phil the groundhog).. He apparently knows what he's talking about..We're supposed to get hit with a major snow storm this weekend..We could get up to 10" of snow..Some places like Washington D.C. & Delaware may get up to almost 2ft of snow..I personally haven't seen this much snow coming in since 1993..

So the kids & I will be getting our trusty ruler out & measuring the snow..That's the beauty of homeschooling..You can use Mother Nature as a lesson!!

So if we get snowed in for the weekend, I will definetley be putting up pictures of our adventures to D.C. & DE..Also give an update on how the kids are doing as we are at the 1/2 way point in school..

And my sister still hasn't had the baby YET!! I really don't think a human person can stretch that much, but I guess we'll find out!! Luke is due Feb. 18th, but who knows when he'll make his debut!! He likes where he's at & personally I don't blame him!! I'm going to share a picture that Bob took of my sister @ 37 wks..She's now 38 wks..*I have her permission* to post the pic..

If you're in the Eastern part of the U.S. please stay warm, and hopefully we'll be able to dig out of this mess coming on Sunday or Monday..Take Care & Be careful also!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This Guy Says...

Six more weeks of winter!! Are you NUTS groundhog!! Six more weeks!! Oh well, Spring will be just around the corner than!! You can learn more about Groundhog Day here..

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My Review Of..

"Mother Teresa and Me ~ Ten Years of Friendship" by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle

Donna-Marie is up there as one of my favorite Catholic authors..I have all but 1 (or 2) of her books..She is a superb author..So when I saw that her new book "Mother Teresa and Me" was on the list for review, I didn't hesitate to pick it..

I enjoyed the endorsements & the Foreword by Teresa Tomeo, but I couldn't wait to start reading the book itself..From the moment I started reading the book, I was filled by a warmth that you get when your sitting or chatting with an old friend..Ms. Cooper O'Boyle's way of describing her friendship with Blessed Mother Teresa is so sincere, loving & respectful in every way possible..

I love the typed letters at the beginning of each chapter from Blessed Teresa..How she took the time to convey her wisdom to Ms. Cooper O'Boyle..It's like a loving mother offering advice to her own child..And the pictures of Blessed Teresa with Ms. Cooper O'Boyle's children to me represented a loving grandmother, who gushes over her grandchildren..

As I got further into the book, the warmth & love continued on in my heart..It was like Blessed Mother Teresa was speaking directly to me..This was no ordinary woman..She was extraordinary..

The personal stories that Ms. Cooper O'Boyle wrote in this book are inspiring also..Especially the story of her & her daughter being in a car accident & the forgiveness of the teenage driver..That was amazing..All of the stories in this book are incredible..You will absolutely be in awe..

There were two things that I really liked in this book..The "Take Time" saying & personal reflection that Ms. Cooper O'Boyle gives is a reminder to all of us to take time in our lives to think, pray, laugh, play, love & be loved, give, read, be friendly, work & do charity..Ms. Cooper O'Boyle goes into detail on these in Ch. 13 called "Take Time"..And the Express Novena..Blessed Mother Teresa called saying "The Memorare" nine times in a row an Express Novena..And there is an example in the book of how it worked for her..

All in all this book is a MUST read..I learned a lot about Blessed Mother Teresa, & how Ms. Cooper O'Boyle had the most interesting & blessed friendship with her..Ms. Cooper O'Boyle also talks about the late Fr. John Hardon..

I take away from this book life lessons..Like how to see Jesus in every person..To love the poor, and to be a light in the world..I also am thinking of joining the lay Missionary of Charity movement..You too will also be transformed by this wonderful book..I highly recommend it..

This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Mother Teresa and Me .

Friday, January 29, 2010

Blame It On FB..

I can honestly say that the reason I haven't been blogging much is because I've been spending so much time on Facebook..Yes, it's true..At first I didn't think I would be on it as much, but then I started finding old friends, family, etc.. And now it's just kind of taken over..But I'm updating now..Isn't that a good thing?? :)

Anyway, we've had a bunch of things going on here..Our hot water tank died, so we had to get a new one..We have roots in our pipes, so we may have to get them replaced..Then we had the March for Life to go to, and we went back to Delaware to visit some friends..We're also anticipating the birth of our new nephew/cousin Luke..

Feb. will also be a busy month for us..This starts the beginning of birthdays!! We have a bunch of them coming up Feb., Mar., Apr. & May..But it doesn't slow down after that..Then we'll have Jenna's graduation, my nephew Zack's graduation, Communions, Baptism, the list goes on & on..I'm not much of a *party* person..I like the quietness..But I guess that's gonna get flung out the window..

I also have book reviews to do, I'm in the middle of reading 3-4 new books, and we can't forget the homeschooling!!

So please, please bear with me..I'm going to get caught up on things..I just need to take a deep breath, and dive on into it..Everything will be on here as soon as I can get it up..

Like the title says..Blame it on FB..LOL

Sunday, January 3, 2010

I Will Have A New Post..

For our holiday happenings in a few days..Hope you all had a wonderful CHRISTmas & a Happy New Year..