Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm Such A Bad Blogger

So I said that I would update you all (or the 3 people that read this..LOL) on what has been going on here..And while the kids are still asleep I figured I'd do just that..

Well, I celebrated my 38th birthday on Nov. 15th..To me this was one of the best birthdays I've had..I really didn't do to much..Went to dinner w/ Bob the night before to a Chinese buffet, but I just felt happy in my heart having all that I do..I'm not sure how to explain it, so I'll just leave it at that..

The kids finished up their 1st Quarter the middle of Nov..They did well..All the G.P.A.'s were 3.7 & above..We're still having problems with the Pre-Algebra/Algebra, but we're trudging along..Jenna completed her first college application & sent it in..We found out her graduation (for homeschoolers) is May 18th 2010..Before you know it, it'll sneak up on us..

Our house is in a shambles..We had plumbing problems most of the month of Nov..We had to have a bunch of pipes replaced which cost an arm & leg (plus most other limbs, LOL)..But it's done now..If only we could get the floor in the dining/school room finished!! And we tore up the rug in the livingroom!! Major renevations ahead in 2010..

Bob for the most part has done excellent in school..He has a 3.7 G.P.A. & he starts his new semester on Dec. 7th..He hasn't been working @ the Post Office lately..Not that he doesn't want to work, it's just that they have him on call all the time..Which doesn't help us out very much..He just can't wait until he graduates..

On Nov. 22nd it was the 12th anniversary of our Angel baby going to be with Jesus..Even though it's been along time it still hurts..But we know that we have a Saint watching out for us..And that we'll meet him/her in heaven..The kids still talk about it..Which is kind of nice that they still remember..

Thanksgiving was quiet..Like I like it..We had dinner here, and just hung out as a family..We're not ones to "party harty"..We just like to stay home and be with each other..We're probably going to my parents for Christmas Eve though..We celebrated the 1st Sunday of Advent as we always do..Reading prayers, lighting our candles..

Well that's about all I can remember right now..If I think of anything else that happened I'll post it..Happy Advent Season to all..Oh here are some pics of our adventures..

Bob & Me before my Birthday dinner...

One of the holes in our wall..

Our Thanksgiving turkey..

Our Advent wreath..
I'll post more pics of the kids later..Plus I have to write another long over due review of a book..God Bless..


Nichole "Nikki" Warren said...

I hate it when there are costly repairs. UGH! Happy Advent! :)

Elizabeth Kathryn Gerold-Miller said...

God bless you on all you have going on! I know from dormering 5 years ago that it is a major stressor to say the least. I feel like I have been a bad blogger lately as well but I guess it is the quality not the quantity that counts. I love your blog and thanks for visiting mine! - your FB and blogger friend