Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Waiting Is The Hardest Part...

Well we're now in the 4th week of Advent..In a few days we will be waiting with baded breath for the birth of our Lord..It's amazing that one tiny little baby in a manger can create such a stir in people, but this was no ordinary baby..no ordinary life..no ordinary family..

And now..it's just the waiting game for everyone..As we bake our cookies, wrap our presents, visit our family & friends, attend parties, watch an endless array of Christmas t.v. shows we seem to forget just what it is we're waiting for..

This year has been no different than years past, but now I just want to wait on one thing..The baby in the manger..I try to tell my children that gifts, food, etc..doesn't mean anything if you don't thank the person who created EVERYTHING!!

So here's to all of you waiting for Emmanuel..We hope you have a Merry CHRISTmas & a Blessed New Year..

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