Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Review Of..Crossing The Goal Playbook on the Virtues

I know what you're thinking.."Carmela, How can you review a book that is geard towards guys!!"..Well I figured that I watch "Crossing The Goal" with Bob, so why not read the book too..So when I saw the book on the review list I wanted to check it out..

"Crossing The Goal Playbook on the Virtures" is by Danny Abramowicz, Peter Herbeck, Brian Patrick, & Curtis Martin..The hosts of the show (of the same name)..It's an easy read (only about 97 pages long) but it's full of information for men (and might I say women)..It's mostly geared toward the men in our lives, but I found it easy to read and very interesting & faith filled..

The book starts out with the page called "Starting Formation" which offers men a quick prayer to the Lord to help them out..

Then there is the "How To Use This Playbook" page..It explains how each chapter is divided into 4 parts..Kickoff, Game Plan, The Red Zone, & The End Zone (which are also on the show)..It gives little discriptions of each..How it breaks down is that they show the problem with men today(Kickoff), Define & Learn the Facts of the problem (Game Plan), Get good advice from the team players or other men (The Red Zone) & A few practical & spiritual words from each of the guys that the men can apply to their lives (The End Zone)

The beginning of the chapter starts off with a "Pre-game" which is written by Brian Patrick..Then you go into the Kickoff, etc..

The book also has scripture verses to read, how to talk about the chapter (if you're in a group), and a "Game Plan Summary" & "Half Time" section (which is about some male Saint or person that showed that virtue)..

At the end of the chapters is a "Coaching Tip" by Danny Abramowicz..Which he offers a quick tip to use in the men's daily life..I especially like the tip of spending 15 mins in prayer & ask God to change you inwardly for 30 days..

For a men's book, I really got alot out of it..I found this book to be a good resource also to use in conjunction with the show (which I think it's meant to be used as)..These 4 men are all very good examples of what Catholic men, should & can be..I highly recommend this book for the man/men in your life..

This review was written as part of the Catholic book Reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Crossing the Goal - Playbook on the Virtues

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