Friday, January 29, 2010

Blame It On FB..

I can honestly say that the reason I haven't been blogging much is because I've been spending so much time on Facebook..Yes, it's true..At first I didn't think I would be on it as much, but then I started finding old friends, family, etc.. And now it's just kind of taken over..But I'm updating now..Isn't that a good thing?? :)

Anyway, we've had a bunch of things going on here..Our hot water tank died, so we had to get a new one..We have roots in our pipes, so we may have to get them replaced..Then we had the March for Life to go to, and we went back to Delaware to visit some friends..We're also anticipating the birth of our new nephew/cousin Luke..

Feb. will also be a busy month for us..This starts the beginning of birthdays!! We have a bunch of them coming up Feb., Mar., Apr. & May..But it doesn't slow down after that..Then we'll have Jenna's graduation, my nephew Zack's graduation, Communions, Baptism, the list goes on & on..I'm not much of a *party* person..I like the quietness..But I guess that's gonna get flung out the window..

I also have book reviews to do, I'm in the middle of reading 3-4 new books, and we can't forget the homeschooling!!

So please, please bear with me..I'm going to get caught up on things..I just need to take a deep breath, and dive on into it..Everything will be on here as soon as I can get it up..

Like the title says..Blame it on FB..LOL

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