Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness

No..I'm not talking about basketball..I'm talking about the madness that's going on here at St. Pete's..It's borderline insanity I tell you!! It's cabin fever + spring fever, with a little burn-out thrown in for fun..Let me explain..

We start school in mid August (as I'm sure some other homeschoolers do)..Which is good in one way, bad in another..We get done earlier, but we run out of curriculum by mid March..Sens the March madness..I have been racking my brains trying to come up with things to do for different subjects..Then we have our evaluations in May..By the end of July we're so bored..

Now my kids love the fact that we're off school in May, but hate the fact that we start in August. Which makes no sense..But if you knew my kids then you would understand..

Anyway, I'm just getting frustrated with the whole thing..I'm suffering burn-out a few months later..I'm constantly looking for something "new & exciting", but I'm running out of ideas & steam..I thought in January "This year, I'm not going through burn-out" I was all excited thinking I had done something awesome..But..Boy was I wrong..

Add to that the constant bickering, fighting, laziness, etc..And I'm sure you get the picture..So where do we go from here? Well I'm thinking of taking an early Spring break, to re-coop, and just stand back and look at the over all picture..

I mean we're doing well with our Lenten activities..We're saying our rosaries every night, doing Stations of the Cross on Fridays, Eating fish on Fridays, Doing our scripture..But we're seriously lacking in others..My kids don't want to go to Mass, Confession..Bob & I have been..I know, I know what your saying "You've got to put your foot down", and I've tried to believe me..It's just very disheartening to know that other homeschool families children are so good at doing these things, but mine aren't..Do I accredit it for them being in public school for so long? I could..But the over all blame falls on Bob & myself..We're the parents..But we're not being treated as such..

Maybe I'm not making any sense here..Maybe I'm just babbling on..I just know what is going on in my household..I know for a FACT, that I'm not sending my kids back to public school..That's a given..I think I just need to look interiorly and ask the Lord to help..Which I do, every moment of the day..

Well, I guess that's enough whining for today..Hopefully I'll be able to come up with a solution..

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